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How to Beat the Midday Slump for Human Design Energy Types

Do you often feel tired in the afternoon after eating your lunch? It can be frustrating to be less productive and motivated when you are trying to work in the afternoons because of the drain on your natural energy in the body.

The afternoon slump is a period where your body likes to take a break by making you yearn for a nap or distracting you with too many thoughts and dreams.

Most people tend to relax their bodies in the mid-afternoon period and focus on minor tasks instead of doing very important things during that period. 

The lack of focus during that period can be overcome with simple activities that can increase your productivity and focus.

Best Ways to Beat Afternoon Slump for HD Energy Types
Best Ways to Beat Afternoon Slump for HD Energy Types

Reasons Behind the Midday Slump 

One of the main culprits behind the afternoon slump is the circadian rhythm, which naturally dips during this period because it wants our body to rest. 

Most people will also feel a deep increase in their energy levels after eating a fully balanced meal with heavy carbohydrates or sugars. This drop in blood sugar is the reason behind this midday slump that often causes stress later in the day. If you are suffering from certain medical conditions, you can also face this during the afternoon period.

However, since it is one of the common phenomena experienced by different people every day, knowing your human design can help you understand your energy levels in a better way and use the right process to beat the afternoon slump easily. 

Knowing Your Human Design Type Can Help Beat the Afternoon Slump Easily

Human Design helps you understand the right body strength you have to focus on a task and whether you are gifted to do physical labor and work for longer hours in a day. 

The five different energy types in human design include generators, manifesting generators, projectors, manifestors, and reflectors. They are categorised based on the presence of energy from the sacral centre that mainly governs the energy levels in the body  and giving the right signals for rest and activity.

If you are looking to avoid feeling sluggish in the afternoon, here is the perfect way to keep the afternoon slump away based on your human design energy type.

How Human Design Generators Can Energize Their Afternoons

Human design generators have plenty of sacral energy that helps them to do a lot of work with concentration and focus throughout the day. They can also work for longer hours and be more productive.

But they can also feel their energy levels diminishing in the late afternoons, especially after eating a heavy meal. 

Generators can also feel this midday slump if they have improper sleeping patterns at night. The body will ask for rest during the afternoon period to cope with this fatigue and tiredness.

But there are things generators can do to minimize this impact and healthily energize their afternoon, such as,

4 ways to Beat the Midday Slump for Human Design Generators

Human design generators can follow these simple strategies to overcome the midday's sluggish energy,

Watch Something Funny: 

  • Instantly refresh the afternoons by watching something funny to take away the tiredness and sleepiness generators feel during the afternoons. 

  • It can be easy for generators to divert their mind from that tired feeling by watching a comedy or a favorite video for a few minutes to distract yourself from the workload.

  • When generators are happy, it can secrete the happy hormones in their brain that can instantly refresh their energy and bring back the focus on their work.

Play Indoor or Online Games: 

  • Afternoons are the perfect time to simply play a board game with family, friends, or siblings.

  • If generators are at home, they can play for a few minutes and then get on to work.

  • If not, simply log in to your favorite game online and spend a few minutes recharging your mind by focusing on something that truly excites them in the late afternoon.

Best Ways to Beat Afternoon Slump for Generators
Best Ways to Beat Afternoon Slump for Generators

Indulge in a Hobby: 

  • Hobbies are one of the best parts of energizing the mind and body for human design generators because they have to let out their creativity to boost their productivity. 

  • They can stay away from work for a few minutes in the afternoon by doing a favorite hobby like gardening, painting, or just browsing the internet.

  • When generators have fun by doing something that truly excites them, it can relax their body and give them the energy to focus back on their work.

Take a Brisk Walk:

  • If generators can't indulge in any fun activity during work, they can simply take a brisk walk after eating lunch for a few minutes. 

  • Climb up the stairs instead of using the elevator or go to a nearby garden area and walk for a few minutes before you sit back in your cabin to work in the afternoon. 

  • Walking can instantly raise the blood flow in your body and pass on the oxygen levels to different organs to boost your energy levels.

How Human Design Manifesting Generators Can Energize Their Afternoons

Manifesting generators are similar to generators, but they have visionary abilities because of a well-developed brain and the ability to concentrate on different tasks because of their creative skills. 

They can also work for longer hours and always like to stay busy with different things at the same time. This can often drain the energy of the manifesting generators and put them under a lack of energy during the afternoon period, particularly after lunch.

4 ways to beat the midday slump for human Design manifesting generators 

Manifesting generators can do these simple activities in the afternoons for not feeling tired and sleepy,

Eat Energy Bars: 

  • Manifesting generators always have the habit of being in different places at the same time where they often eat a lot or forget to eat their breakfast or lunch, which can have a lot of effects on their oxygen level and blood flow in the body. 

  • A drop in blood pressure can easily put them in a state of slump in the afternoon, which can make them feel more tired and sleepy. 

  • Eating energy bars filled with berries, seeds, dark chocolate, and nuts can instantly provide the added energy that the body requires and can easily help overcome the afternoon slump. 

  • Keep an energy bar with you wherever you go to keep your body and mind refreshed.


  • Manifesting generators often like to have mental stimulation through conversations with friends, colleagues, and other people in their environment. 

  • If you're feeling lazy during the afternoon, you can simply join a meeting or have a conversation with your colleague for a few minutes to boost your mind and divert your mind from the routine tasks on hand. 

  • Chatting in person for coffee or meeting your friend for lunch can also instantly push manifesting generators to not feel sleepy during the afternoon.

Ways to Beat Afternoon Slump for Manifesting Generators
Best Ways to Beat Afternoon Slump for Manifesting Generators

Listen to Music: 

  • Manifesting generators can listen to soothing music that naturally vibrates with their energy level. 

  • They can simply put on their favorite music or use noise-cancelling headphones in the office to listen to soothing music and work in the afternoon without getting tired or feeling sleepy. 

  • The choice of music lifts their spirits instantly and can make them more energetic to complete the tasks on hand and be more productive.

Get a Quick Workout:

  • Manifesting generators must exercise regularly to keep their body active. 

  • Sweating can help them to push out the toxins from their body and can also keep them active throughout the day.

  • If you're feeling lazy in the afternoons, you can get a quick workout. It can be a push-up, lounges, a walk, or jogging, but anything that can make you sweat will help in getting rid of the tiredness and boost your energy easily. 

  • Blood flow in the body is very important for keeping manifesting generators energized throughout the day and avoiding the midday slump.

How Human Design Projectors Can Energize Their Afternoons

Human design projectors belong to the non-energy type that focuses on doing smart work rather than hard work because they do not have sacral energy. 

Like the other energy types, human design projectors will always feel a drain in their energy in the afternoon hours because they are more likely to stay awake in the late-night period because of their creative skills and productivity. 

4 ways to Beat the Midday Slump for Human Design Projectors 

If you are trying to avoid the midday slump as a projector, you can overcome it easily by following the simple techniques.

Get Some Sunshine:

  • Human design projectors have no sacral energy, which makes it extremely important for them to get sunshine at least for 15 minutes every day to have that sacral feeling in their body. 

  • The Sacral Center is important for pumping the energy into all the organs that your body needs to stay active throughout the day without falling into that slump.

  • Projectors must meditate, do yoga, stretch, or even take a walk during the early morning hours or late in the sunset to get the best amounts of sunshine and vitamin D.  

Take a Power Nap 

  • Human design projectors can stay awake late at night when they feel more creative and productive with their everyday task while some projectors can also work in the early morning hours because they feel so undisturbed by the daily noises and distractions in their everyday lifestyle.

  • However, it is common for human design projectors to feel that slump in the afternoon because of a drop in the energy levels after pushing so much either late at night or early in the morning.

  • Projectors can take a power nap in the afternoon to let the body rest. This can give them ample energy levels to be more productive in the later part of the day.

Best Ways to Beat Afternoon Slump for Projectors
Best Ways to Beat Afternoon Slump for Projectors

Tidy Up Your Space 

  • A clean space will always enrich your energy levels because when it is out of sight, it will be out of your mind, and you can eliminate all the clutter from your mind when you tidy up your space. 

  • This is equally important for human design projectors because a clutter-filled space can lower the energy levels of the projectors because they might be thinking too much and putting so many thoughts in their mind that will put a drop in their energy levels in their body. 

  • So if you have tired feelings in the afternoon,  spend some time daily in  to eliminate clutter from your space, this can clean up your mind and put you in a more energetic and productive state.

Drink a Hot Beverage:

  • Hot beverages can lift the mind of human design projectors because they don't have the connection between the sacral center and the throat center naturally.

  • But when you stimulate your throat chakra by drinking a hot beverage, it can instantly create an artificial kind of mood where you pass on the energy from the throat into the sacral center, and this can create an environment where your body responds to the natural awareness that can be caused by stimulating both your throat and the sacral center at the same time.

  • You can drink any hot beverage, if you are addicted to caffeine, you can drink coffee, but it is best to drink herbal teas.

How Human Design Manifestors Can Energize Their Afternoons

Manifestors are non-energy beings with a defined throat center and a non-defined sacral center that gives them this lack of energy to concentrate on different tasks for a longer time.

They cannot work for longer hours and need to take frequent breaks to keep their energy levels in check.

However, manifestors can work on one project for continuous hours if they are truly excited about it and this can lead to burnout later. 

Therefore, most manifestors might feel a midday slump because of their inconsistent energy levels where they are being more productive at one time and feel lazy the other part of the day.

4 ways to Beat the Midday Slump for Human Design Manifestors

Manifestors can always use these simple strategies to be awake and energetic during the mid-day,

Write Your thoughts:

  • Manifestors have the most creative energy of all the human design energy types because they are born visionaries and can initiate new things for the benefit of mankind. 

  • This can create a lot of mental tension for manifestors, which can put them in a state of laziness and mental fatigue. 

  • If you are trying to overcome the sleepy feeling during the afternoon, it is best to journal your thoughts during this time.

  • Sit with a notebook and a pen and physically write your thoughts. When you dump everything on your mind by writing it on paper, it is easy to avoid the tired feelings in the afternoon.

Sit Near a Window:

  • Manifestors must get a dose of sunshine in their body every day, so it is best to sit near a window during the afternoon hours to work. 

  • It can benefit you the most when you sit beside a window and gaze at the crowded trees, or watch the sky and take in the beautiful environment around you.

  • This can instantly refresh your mind and can also help you manage those inconsistent energy levels in your body without putting you in a midday slump.

Best Ways to Beat Afternoon Slump for Manifestors
Best Ways to Beat Afternoon Slump for Manifestors

Eat Fruit:

  • Eating fruit can also be a wonderful way for manifestors to heighten their energy levels and keep their focus and concentration in check. 

  • Fruits can help keep you engaged, energized, and active when you are working on an important project for a longer period. 

  • You can eat an apple or some grapes and when your body gets the sugar and the fiber, it can keep your metabolism active and also not put you in a drain of energy during the afternoon period.

Walk and Talk:

  • Most manifestors will have the ability to lead other people by giving their insights and are natural leaders.

  • They would love to manage a lot of people and will always be in conversations with friends, colleagues, or partners. 

  • If you are feeling sluggish in the afternoon, you can simply arrange your walking meeting where you walk and talk with your friends and colleagues and share your ideas, which can keep you energetic and put you in a very productive environment. 

  • Walking and talking can be used for even personal conversations with your partners, business relationships, or even professional activities where you can constantly pump blood into the system by being physically active.

How Human Design Reflectors Can Energize Their Afternoons

Reflectors do not have sacral energy because they have all open centers and are likely to absorb energy continuously from their environment. 

This can drain their energy levels and put them in an afternoon slump because of getting too much energy from the people around them.

Reflectors can overcome this afternoon slump by doing things that can relax their mind and body and help them reach their energy levels again. 

4 ways to Beat the Midday Slump for Human Design Reflectors 

These strategies work wonders for reflectors when they follow them regularly in their day-to-day lifestyle,

Hydrate Yourself: 

  • Human design reflectors are people with all open centers, which puts them at a lot of risk for absorbing energy.

  • It is important to keep themselves hydrated to flush out the toxins in the body. 

  • Reflectors can hydrate with water, orange juice, or beverages. They can add some herbs like ginger, mint, or lemon to the water to flush out the toxins from the body. 

  • Recharging your mind and body by drinking water or any beverage can help in avoiding the afternoon slump.

Stretch and Relax:

  • Reflectors need to keep their body moving and relaxed to expel absorbed energy from their environment. 

  • Most reflectors will have a community or a network of people whom they meet regularly for professional or personal reasons, and this can keep their bodies very restricted.

  • Reflectors have to stretch and relax their body in the afternoons to get rid of the tiredness and sluggish energy.

Best Ways to Beat Afternoon Slump for Reflectors
Best Ways to Beat Afternoon Slump for Reflectors

Get Fresh Air: 

  • Reflectors require fresh air every day because they can have some difficulty breathing if they are within a confined space with a lot of people for a long period. 

  • Get some fresh air by visiting a garden park or a public place nearby. You can simply smell some flowers, do breathwork exercises, climb a mountain, or even go to the terrace to get some fresh air in the afternoon. 

  • Recharging the mind and body with fresh air can help reflectors beat the afternoon slump.

Call a Friend or Colleague:

  • Most reflectors would love to sit in meditation to reflect on their experiences, this can keep their body a little more inactive.

  • Call a friend or colleague during the afternoon hours and discuss thoughts, insights, or opinions.

  • Schedule meetings with friends or colleagues in the afternoon to keep that mental stimulation going during the afternoon to get rid of the tiredness.


Whether you are regularly slogging through your afternoons or you feel tired or sleepy, especially after your lunch hours, it is best to do some energetic exercises and lifestyle changes to power up your afternoons.

When you follow your human design type, it can help in understanding your natural energy levels and following certain strategies accordingly can help benefit your body organically and leave you refreshed during the afternoon. 

Try these simple strategies based on your human design type, whether you're a generator, manifesting generator, projector, manifestor or reflector to get rid of the afternoon slump and be more productive during the day.

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