Are you often worried about expressing your mind? Do you struggle with trusting your thoughts and implementing them into actions?
Most people are not confident speakers because they don't trust their thoughts and often look for assistance from external sources. Some will second-guess their opinions and ideas and will look for additional information to make sure that what they are saying is right before expressing themselves to others.
Communication is one of the key factors that will help you to move forward in life, either in professional settings or in personal relationships. When you understand how you are communicating with others, it becomes easier for them to understand your thoughts and encourage you to speak to others confidently.
How Can Human Design Help with Developing Communication Skills?
If you want to know how you have to use your communication skills, one of the key factors to understand is your throat center and how it impacts your ability to communicate your thoughts, ideas, or opinions to others effectively.
Before we analyse the effect of the throat center, you can get a free human design body graph from any website related to this field by entering your birth details.
Once you get the human design chart, check the throat center and its connection to the other centers, and follow these important tips to flex your communication style to speak powerfully.
The Throat Center: Defined/Undefined Throat Center Human Design
The throat center plays a key role in communicating with others using your voice. Having a defined or undefined throat center in your chart can indicate how good you are at voicing your opinions on your own or whether you need external stimuli.
Defined Throat Center:
The throat center is the third center from the top and will be colored if you have it defined in your chart. It can be a square or a hexagonal shape.
Having a Defined Throat Center: If you have a defined throat center in your human design chart, you have a consistent way of speaking your thoughts and expressing yourself. People can rely on your words, and you may not like to lie or deceive people with your words.
Check the gates activated in your throat center and which center it is connected to in your BodyGraph.
Defined Throat to Ajna Center: A person having the capability to bring new creative things or ideas with unique perspectives using their voice and attracting the audience globally.
Defined Throat to Identity Center: A person with the ability to express their voice and provide direction to people they come in contact with regularly.
Defined Throat to Solar Plexus: A person with emotional intelligence and wisdom to guide people to get in touch with their feelings and authentic emotions.
Defined Threat to Spleen: A person having great instincts and skills to express their true feelings, ideas, and thoughts by sharing their intuition.
Defined Throat to Heart: A person with strong confidence and willpower to nurture relationships and share their desires to make them a reality.
If you have any channels connecting the throat center, make sure to dig deep into the specialties of the gates and that specific channel to learn more about your voice and how you can implement it in your everyday lives.
Undefined Throat Center in Human Design Chart
Most people have an undefined throat center, which makes it highly difficult for these people to control their voice. They get easily amplified by external voices and feel constant pressure to express themselves.
Having an Undefined Throat Center: The throat center will not be colored in your chart. This makes you highly flexible in expressing your thoughts and words. It is easy for you to become a voice for others as you get triggered by others.
Spontaneous expressions are your power, but if you combine them with the right tone and wisdom, you might become more powerful with your voice.
You must follow your authority and strategy more to find the right place to express your voice.
I would suggest people with an undefined throat center do the following:
Journal regularly because you need a safe space to express your thoughts and emotions.
Type your thoughts first in a blank note, read it twice, and pause for a few seconds before you make it public.
Reading your own words or thinking through them before expressing yourself works great for you.
It's not that a person with an undefined throat center cannot have an impact or get recognised by your audience; you just need more calmness and confidence when you post, speak, or share.
Refrain from second-guessing, deleting, or backtracking your words. If you don't stand up for what you say, who else will? Stay true to your expressions.
If you want to be confident in your communication skills, you have to understand the presence of the throat center in your human design chart and act accordingly.
If you have a defined throat center, you are born to speak or express your thoughts, opinions, and ideas regularly. You can use any form of communication, like reading, dictating, writing, speaking, or motivating others. When you start communicating with plenty of confidence, others will gravitate towards you to listen more to what you're saying. You should also choose your words and the timing wisely to have the most impact on your communication style.
If you have an undefined throat center, it becomes slightly tougher for you to communicate and express yourself freely to others. You can start speaking to yourself in front of a mirror or writing down your thoughts before expressing them to others and genuinely listening to great orators or speakers and learning their communication styles to make them more effective in your day-to-day life.
Whether you have a defined or undefined throat center in your human design chart, it becomes easier for you to learn different communication styles and choose what works for you in the best way to understand whether you can speak more confidently with others.
But when you become cautious of what you are saying to others and add more depth to your words, people will start listening more actively to what you are saying, which will help you grow in confidence with your communication skills.